Niki Feldman LMT
Massage and Wellness


I love helping people to slow down and decompress.

After doing massage for 29 years, I still enjoy slowing down, honoring the healing spirits, and helping my clients to release tension.

In our fast paced society massage is a blessing that helps us go within to our own peaceful place to become more aware of our body's needs.

Here's my May Newsletter:

Medicine: 1) the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. 2) a compound or preparation used for the treatment or prevention of disease, especially a drug or drugs taken by mouth.

Yoga for the Chakras Monthly Series With Niki Feldman

Seven Wednesdays 12:00-1:00 MST $15/class

4600 Copper NE or on Zoom (

June 12 Root Chakra:

Focus on Feet, Legs, Pelvic Floor and Tailbone area to help you feel Peaceful, Protected and Secure; COURAGE

July 17 Sacral Chakra:

Focus on Hips, Lower Back,  and Reproductive Organs to nurture Abundance, Pleasure and Joy; CREATIVITY

August 14 Solar Plexus Chakra:

Focus on Abdominals, Middle Back and Digestive Balancing to create Self-Confidence and Motivation; POWER

September 11 Heart Chakra:

Focus on Chest, Upper Back, Shoulders and Arms for promoting the flow of Love, Acceptance and Compassion; LOVE

October 16 Throat Chakra:

Focus on the Neck, Jaw and Base of skull to cultivate better Listening and Speaking your Truth; EXPRESSION

November 13 Third Eye Chakra:

Focus on the Forehead and Temples to invite Clairvoyance and expanded Imagination; INTUITION

December 11 Crown Chakra:

Focus on Expansion and Meditation to promote Spiritual Connection to Self, Others and the Divine; WISDOM


Hello friends,

Every month I try to tie my theme to personal growth and/or healing since I'm a healer and love to help people feel better in their bodies.  The word Medicine traditionally brings to mind western medical doctors and prescription drugs, but is really anything that can help prevent disease or heal what ails us.

There are MANY kinds of Medicine: Laughter, Tears, Movement, Nutritional, Pharmaceutical, Herbal, Nature, Play, Friendship, Psychological, Bodywork, Music, Deep Breathing..

We can honor our individuality by choosing which medicines we want to try. Throughout our lives we learn through trial and error which medicines help us the most and how much of each medicine is needed.

If we use group exercise classes at the gym for an example, the optimal number of classes per week that would be considered medicinal will vary by individual depending on preferred format, Joint Health, and Fitness level. I like to do 2-3 Spin classes per week because they are low impact on my arthritic knee joints and give me a great cardiovascular work out. That is medicinal for ME. I love dancing to live music, but it can be hard on my knees so I go a couple times per month and that's medicinal for my spirit.

Plant and Herbal medicine is really popular these days and worth learning about. Supplementing our food intake with extra anti-oxidants can help us combat toxins in our environment. I have loved Essential Oils for years and enjoy their medicinal uses.

Reading Books and Watching movies or plays, and listening to Music can help us to FEEL and express laughter or tears. No wonder the entertainment industry is so huge!

Sharing authentically about what's happening in your life with friends or with mental health therapists or coaches can be super medicinal. Thinking out loud and being heard and reflected back to yourself can be so clarifying.

Our thoughts and feelings affect our bodies. That's why I love teaching Yoga for the Chakras. We can become more mindful about how our bodies react to different feelings, thoughts and life experiences. If you have a certain area of your body that's needing healing, consider attending the corresponding Chakra class in my monthly series.

My friend Amy Couch is offering an 8 week Mind-Body Medicine Skills group starting June 3rd.  Check out the details in the flyer below.

For some Music and Dance Therapy go to Rio Bravo Brewery Blues Fiesta May 12th at 5 PM! Local legends Rudy Boy Jaramillo and Chris Dracup will be sharing their powerful magic.

This song "Two Medicines" by Timbuk 3 is an old favorite of mine about the healing benefits of Laughter and Tears. Have a listen by clicking on that song title.

My Yoga and Dance for the Chakras will be January 25-February 1 2025. Click HERE for all the information.

What medicine do you need this May? I wish you a wonderful month of healing!

Love, Niki

Other Massage Therapists to try:

Officemate Becky Whiteman who is combining Thai Massage with traditional massage: (575) 613-2058

Officemate Genevieve Hawk who is great with deep tissue and specific work: (505) 459-5810

Mandy Hanson (505) 226-5999

Carl Hime (505) 681-6409

For a Physical Therapist who's also a Massage Therapist try:

Renai Gallagher (505) 514-6031

For Craniosacral Therapy try:

Eric Moya, Jeanne Gorham, or Ellen Santistevan

For Polarity or Astrology check out:

Susan DeLeo 


Yoga Videos for you to try:

Knee Aches or Instability

Back Tension

Jaw Tension or Clicking

Low Back Pain

Hip Aches or Pain

Calf spasms

Core Weakness

Shoulder Aches or Pain

All my YouTube offerings are free. Enjoy and let me know if you have questions.

My Wednesday 12-1 Playful Yoga has 3 options: In person, Zoom, or get the video of class emailed to you.  All for $15.


Playful Yoga With Niki

Tuesday 5:45-6:45 PM Yoga 1-2 at Midtown Sports n Wellness

Wednesday 12:00-1:00 Online and at Albuquerque School of Healing Arts 


Bodywork with Niki: Voted into The Top Five Massage Therapists in Albuquerque the Magazine's Best of the City 2018, 2019 & 2021!

Tune up your body and quiet your mind with individualized bodywork.

$90/hr  $110/75 min  $130/90 min

I accept credit and debit cards with my Square reader but add in a few bucks to cover the fees.  Cash and Checks are always welcome. Or Venmo, PayPal or Zelle!

Gift Certificates for sale!



"Listen with ears of tolerance.

See through eyes of compassion.

Speak with the language of love."



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2024 Niki Feldman LMT. All rights reserved.